El hombre que hace arte tiene la importante misión de plasmar la forma de su mundo, tanto agradable como despreciada, con el fin de proponer nuevas líneas y soluciones: la realidad siempre me ha impactado, la realidad es duramente humana. Por todos sus puntos cardinales mi arte refleja, desde una óptica optimista y coloquial, al ser humano y su entorno, ya parezca absurdo, surrealista o mágico. Desde mi raíz primigenia: Batabanó, ese pequeño pueblo del sur de la capital habanera, por donde penetran casi puntualmente los huracanes, hago emerger mi genesis junto a eventos universales, tanto físicos, como de la historia del arte: desde nuestra Habana física y cultural, hasta lo más recóndito en espacio y tiempo de la cultura universal. Eventos todos que a fin de cuentas, son también nuestros, citas imprescindibles. Así que todo aquello que se mueve alrededor, ya sea por mar, aire o tierra tiene espacio en mi quehacer creativo. Me dejo llevar por un hecho local o foráneo que toca la vida de la gente, o en ocasiones pinto, por ejemplo, como lo haríamos para salir de aquí o para escapar del ciclón que viene, con los recursos y el conocimiento que se dispone, cómo sería su Torre de Babel o su Arca de Noé, su dirigible de palo inflado o en un gran pez. Siempre la obra debe encerrar un entusiasmo particular, una idea en sí, nunca preconcibo, ni boceto. Sólo me hago un prontuario de ideas o frases que encuentro a cada instante, una nueva motivación. Tener conciencia de los eventos y del compromiso con el tiempo que vives, es mi meta.
Every person who creates art has the important mission of giving shape to his/her world, the pleasant and the despicable, in order to suggest new lines and solutions: reality has always impacted me, reality is aggressively human. From all different angles, my works depict, from a colloquial and an optimistic viewpoint, the human beings and their environment, whether it may seem absurd, surrealist or magic. From my ancestral roots: Batabanó, my home town, this small village in the southern region of Havana City, where hurricanes consistently enter the island, my genesis emerges together with the universal events, either physical or related to the history of art: from our physical and cultural Havana to the farthest places in space and time of our universal culture. Events that, after all, are also ours, essential references. So, anything that moves around by air, by land, by sea, finds its place in my creative work. I let myself be carried away by a local or an international event that touches people’s lives or sometimes I paint, for example, what people would do to leave from here or to escape from an approaching hurricane, with the resources and the know-how that they have, as if they lived in the Tower of Babel or in Noah’s Ark, or if they used an inflatable aircraft or a big fish. Each of my works must always possess a particular enthusiasm, an idea per se, I never have a preconceived idea and I never sketch before. I make an outline with ideas and phrases that I find every moment, a new motivation. My goal is to be aware of the events and of the commitment with the times we live.
November 9, 1971| Vicente Hernández Hernández was born in Batabanó, a coastal town south of La Habana, Cuba. He studied at junior high school, at the Provincial Vocational School of Art, specializing in Plastic Arts. With the purpose of continuing his studies related to arts, he obtained his Bachelor Degree in Fine Art Education with Golden Title, in 1994. He has participated in more than of 150 exhibiting groups, and more than 15 solo shows in Cuba, the United States of America, Venezuela, Germany, The Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Spain and he has also participated in relevant international fairs in Chicago, Buenos Aires, New York, Texas, Dallas, Huston, Los Angeles, Nuevo Mexico, San Juan, Charlotte and Miami. His works have been auctioned off in Christie's New York Latin American Sale, Sotheby's New York Latin American Sale, and Philips New York Latin-American Sale.